Marshall Canyon Golf Course – An Unforgettable Place

1. Introduction

Hi, I’m an avid golfer and today, I’m going to share my thoughts on the Marshall Canyon Golf Course, one of my favorite places to play golf. Golf has always been my passion and over the years, I have played on numerous golf courses around the world. However, there is something special about Marshall Canyon that keeps bringing me back.

A Little About Marshall Canyon Golf Course

Marshall Canyon Golf Course is located in La Verne, California. Nestled in the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains, it offers a perfect blend of natural beauty and challenging gameplay.


The golf course has been around since 1966 and has undergone several upgrades and renovations over the years. Despite these changes, it has managed to retain its original charm and appeal.

Why I Love Golf

Golf is not just a sport for me; it’s a way of life. It’s a mental game that requires focus, strategy, and perseverance. There’s nothing like the feeling of hitting a perfect shot or sinking a long putt.

2. The Marshall Canyon Golf Course

Nestled in the scenic surroundings of La Verne, California, the Marshall Canyon Golf Course stands as a beacon for golf enthusiasts and amateurs alike. This public golf course, with its sprawling 18 holes spread across 6,300 yards, offers more than just a day on the links; it offers an experience that blends challenge, beauty, and accessibility. Let’s delve into the specifics that make Marshall Canyon not just a golf course but a destination.

The Course: A Closer Look

  • Par-71 Layout: The heart of the Marshall Canyon Golf Course is its par-71 layout. This challenging yet forgiving design caters to golfers of all skill levels, thanks to three sets of tees. Whether you’re a seasoned pro looking to test your mettle or a beginner hoping to enjoy a leisurely round, the course is designed to accommodate your needs while providing a satisfying challenge.
  • Strategic Elevation Changes: One of the unique features of the Marshall Canyon Golf Course is its use of natural topography to enhance the game’s difficulty and beauty. Elevation changes throughout the course add an extra layer of strategy to each hole, requiring golfers to think carefully about club selection and approach angle. These variations in elevation not only challenge the golfer’s skills but also offer stunning views of the surrounding landscape.
  • Diverse Layout: The course layout is thoughtfully designed to keep the game interesting and engaging from the first tee to the last green. The front nine holes boast a relatively open layout, allowing for more forgiving play and the opportunity to warm up into the round. Conversely, the back nine present a more challenging endeavor with tree-lined fairways and narrower paths that demand precision and strategy. This blend of open and tight layouts ensures that golfers face a comprehensive test of their abilities.
  • Variety of Holes: Marshall Canyon Golf Course excels in providing a diverse range of holes. From straightaways that allow for power drives to strategic doglegs that challenge the golfer’s ability to plan ahead, the course offers a rich variety of playing experiences. This variety ensures that no two holes feel the same and that golfers remain engaged and challenged throughout their round.

Location: Accessible and Scenic

Located at 6100 N Stephens Ranch Rd, La Verne, CA 91750, Marshall Canyon Golf Course is easily accessible for residents and visitors alike. Its proximity to major cities, coupled with its serene setting away from the hustle and bustle, makes it an ideal getaway for those looking to enjoy a day of golf in a picturesque environment.

Why Choose Marshall Canyon Golf Course?

Choosing Marshall Canyon for your next round of golf means opting for an experience that combines the challenge of a thoughtfully designed course with the beauty of California’s natural landscapes. Whether you’re looking to improve your game, compete with friends, or simply enjoy a day outdoors, Marshall Canyon Golf Course offers an inviting setting for all.

3. A Detailed Hole-by-Hole Guide for the Front Nine

Marshall Canyon Golf Course A Detailed Hole-by-Hole Guide for the Front Nine

Embarking on a round at Marshall Canyon Golf Course promises an engaging blend of beauty, challenge, and strategy, particularly through its front nine. Each hole is meticulously crafted to test various aspects of a golfer’s game, from precision and power to strategy and finesse. Let’s take a closer look at what the front nine has to offer, providing golfers with insights to navigate the course effectively.


Hole 1 (Par 4)

  • Characteristics: The opening hole serves as a gentle introduction to the course, featuring a straightaway layout with a slight incline toward the green.
  • Challenges: A fairway bunker on the right and trees lining the left side demand accuracy from the tee.
  • Strategy: Aim for the center of the fairway to set up a straightforward approach to the green.

Hole 2 (Par 3)

  • Characteristics: This downhill par 3 might appear deceptively simple but requires thoughtful club selection due to its shorter play than the actual distance.
  • Challenges: A front bunker and trees behind the green penalize misjudged shots.
  • Strategy: Consider clubbing down and focus on landing softly on the green to avoid the bunker.

Hole 3 (Par 5)

  • Characteristics: As the first par 5, this hole presents a dogleg left with a fairway bunker positioned to challenge the landing area. The second shot is an uphill battle to a well-guarded green.
  • Challenges: Strategic bunkers and the uphill approach increase the difficulty.
  • Strategy: Play conservatively to avoid the bunker on the drive and favor the right side on the approach to evade the greenside bunkers.

Hole 4 (Par 4)

  • Characteristics: A slight dogleg right where a fairway bunker on the left and trees to the right complicate the tee shot. The elevated green adds to the challenge.
  • Challenges: An elevated green guarded by a bunker requires precise approach shots.
  • Strategy: Aiming slightly left of center off the tee can help avoid trouble and set up a better angle to the elevated green.

Hole 5 (Par 3)

  • Characteristics: Features a large, sloping green from back to front, with a bunker on the left and a hill on the right.
  • Challenges: The green’s slope can make putting difficult, especially from above the hole.
  • Strategy: Target the center of the green regardless of the pin position to minimize the risk of a challenging putt.

Hole 6 (Par 4)

  • Characteristics: This straightaway par 4 boasts a narrow fairway flanked by trees on both sides, leading to a green defended by a front bunker.
  • Challenges: Narrow fairways increase the demand for accuracy off the tee.
  • Strategy: Precision off the tee is key; favoring the center can help avoid trouble and provide a clear shot to the green.

Hole 7 (Par 4)

  • Characteristics: A dogleg left that tests the golfer’s ability to navigate fairway bunkers on the right and a green protected by a left bunker and a slope on the right.
  • Challenges: Fairway bunkers pose a strategic challenge to reaching the green in regulation.
  • Strategy: A tee shot that favors the left side can help avoid fairway bunkers and set up a more straightforward approach.

Hole 8 (Par 3)

  • Characteristics: The green on this par 3 is virtually surrounded by bunkers, with a slope from right to left complicating the landing.
  • Challenges: Bunkers around the green demand accuracy on the tee shot.
  • Strategy: Aim for the right side of the green to use the natural slope to your advantage, reducing the risk of landing in a bunker.

Hole 9 (Par 4)

  • Characteristics: The ninth hole concludes the front nine with a challenge: a fairway bunker to the right and trees to the left narrow the landing area, leading to an elevated green guarded by two bunkers.
  • Challenges: The combination of an accurate tee shot and an approach to an elevated green tests all aspects of a golfer’s game.
  • Strategy: Focus on accuracy over distance off the tee to ensure a clear approach to the green, and consider an extra club to reach the elevated green.

4. A Detailed Hole-by-Hole Guide for the Back Nine

Marshall Canyon Golf Course A Detailed Hole-by-Hole Guide for the Back Nine

The back nine at Marshall Canyon Golf Course offers a thrilling conclusion to an already captivating round of golf. With its blend of strategic challenges and natural beauty, the back nine demands precision, strategy, and a bit of courage. Here’s a detailed guide to help golfers of all levels navigate these challenging holes, ensuring a rewarding experience from the 10th tee to the 18th green.

Hole 10 (Par 4)

  • Characteristics: Opens with a slight dogleg right, featuring a fairway bunker on the left and trees to the right, leading to an elevated green.
  • Challenges: The elevation of the green and the bunker on the right side can make approaches tricky.
  • Strategy: Aiming slightly left off the tee can help avoid the fairway bunker, setting up a clearer shot to the elevated green.

Hole 11 (Par 5)

  • Characteristics: A demanding par 5 that requires three well-placed shots through a narrow, tree-lined fairway to reach a bunker-guarded green.
  • Challenges: The narrowness of the fairway and the front bunker pose significant obstacles.
  • Strategy: Play conservatively to keep the ball in play and consider laying up to avoid the front bunker on the approach.

Hole 12 (Par 4)

  • Characteristics: A straightforward par 4 with a fairway bunker on the right and trees on the left. The green has a bunker on the left and a slope on the right.
  • Challenges: Strategic placement of bunkers and the sloping green increase the hole’s difficulty.
  • Strategy: Keep the tee shot to the left of the fairway bunker, setting up a more accessible approach shot to the green.

Hole 13 (Par 3)

  • Characteristics: This par 3 challenges golfers with a large green protected by bunkers on both sides and a back-to-front slope.
  • Challenges: The green’s slope can complicate putting, especially from behind the hole.
  • Strategy: Aim for the center of the green to minimize the risk of landing in a bunker and to set up a straightforward putt.

Hole 14 (Par 4)

  • Characteristics: Features a dogleg right, with a fairway bunker on the left and trees on the right, leading to an elevated green guarded by a left-side bunker.
  • Challenges: The elevated green and strategic bunker placement demand precise shot-making.
  • Strategy: Favor the right side of the fairway on the tee shot to avoid the bunker and gain a better angle to the elevated green.

Hole 15 (Par 4)

  • Characteristics: A slight dogleg left with a fairway bunker on the right and trees lining the left, leading to a green protected by a right bunker and a left slope.
  • Challenges: The fairway bunker and greenside hazards can penalize off-target shots.
  • Strategy: Target the left side of the fairway to avoid the bunker and provide the best approach angle to the green.

Hole 16 (Par 5)

  • Characteristics: Another challenging par 5 that snakes through a narrow, tree-lined fairway to a green defended by a front bunker.
  • Challenges: Trees and the bunker guarding the green add layers of difficulty to the hole.
  • Strategy: Precision is key; aim for the safest part of the fairway and consider laying up to ensure a clean approach to the green.

Hole 17 (Par 3)

  • Characteristics: This par 3 presents a green encircled by bunkers, with a right-to-left slope that affects ball placement.
  • Challenges: The bunkers and sloping green demand accurate tee shots.
  • Strategy: Targeting the right side of the green can use the slope to your advantage, potentially rolling the ball closer to the pin.

Hole 18 (Par 4)

  • Characteristics: The concluding hole is a formidable par 4, with a fairway bunker on the right and trees on the left, leading to an elevated, bunker-guarded green.
  • Challenges: The need for an accurate tee shot, combined with the elevated green, provides a fitting climax to the round.
  • Strategy: Accuracy off the tee is crucial to avoid the fairway bunker, setting up an approach to the elevated green. Take an extra club if necessary to ensure reaching the green in regulation.

5. Exceptional Facilities for an Enhanced Golfing Experience

Marshall Canyon Golf Course Essential Tips and Strategies for an Optimal Experience

Marshall Canyon Golf Course is renowned not only for its challenging and picturesque course but also for its comprehensive range of facilities designed to cater to every golfer’s needs. From a welcoming clubhouse to a well-stocked pro shop and excellent dining options, these facilities enhance the overall golfing experience, making each visit memorable. Let’s explore these amenities in more detail.

Clubhouse: Your Home Away from Home

The clubhouse at Marshall Canyon serves as the heart of the golf course, offering a perfect blend of comfort and convenience for all visitors. It’s the ideal place to unwind after a day on the green.

  • Comfortable Seating: With ample and comfortable seating areas, the clubhouse is a cozy spot to relax and socialize with fellow golfers.
  • Locker Rooms: Equipped with spacious and clean locker rooms, it offers a private space for golfers to change and store their belongings securely.
  • Restroom Facilities: Impeccably maintained restroom facilities ensure that guests can freshen up in comfort and style.

Pro Shop: Everything a Golfer Needs

The pro shop at Marshall Canyon is a treasure trove for golf enthusiasts. Stocked with the latest in golf technology and apparel, it caters to every golfer’s needs, whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned player.

  • Wide Selection of Golfing Equipment: From the latest clubs to high-performance balls, the pro shop has it all, featuring top brands in the golf industry.
  • Golf Apparel: Offering a range of stylish and functional golf wear, the pro shop ensures you can hit the course in comfort and style.
  • Expert Advice: The knowledgeable staff are on hand to offer expert advice on the best equipment for your game, ensuring you make informed purchases.

Dining: Savor the Flavors Overlooking the Green

The dining facilities at Marshall Canyon elevate the golfing experience, allowing guests to enjoy delicious meals and refreshing drinks with a view of the lush course.

  • Scenic Views: The dining area boasts panoramic views of the golf course, providing a serene backdrop for your meal.
  • Varied Menu: Catering to all tastes, the menu ranges from light snacks for a quick bite to hearty meals that satisfy after a round of golf.
  • Quality Cuisine: With a focus on quality and freshness, the dining facilities offer a culinary experience that complements the day’s activities.

6. Essential Tips and Strategies for an Optimal Experience

Golfing at Marshall Canyon Golf Course is an experience that combines the beauty of nature with the thrill of the sport. Whether you’re a seasoned golfer or a newcomer to the greens, understanding the best practices, strategies, and what to expect can significantly enhance your visit. Here’s a comprehensive guide to making the most of your time at Marshall Canyon.


Best Time to Visit

Choosing the right time for your golfing excursion can make a big difference in your overall experience at Marshall Canyon.

  • Weekdays for Less Crowded Fairways: To enjoy a more serene and less rushed game, plan your visit during the weekdays. The course is generally less crowded, allowing for a more relaxed pace of play.
  • Spring and Fall for Ideal Weather: La Verne boasts pleasant weather year-round, but the spring and fall seasons offer the most comfortable conditions. These times of the year provide mild temperatures and optimal playing conditions, enhancing the enjoyment of your round.

Clubs to Use

A strategic selection of clubs is crucial to navigate the diverse challenges presented by the course.

  • Driver for Distance: Essential for the long par 4s and 5s, a driver can help you cover significant ground on the fairway, setting up shorter and more manageable approaches.
  • Fairway Woods and Hybrids for Versatility: Tighter holes may not always accommodate the breadth of a driver. In these instances, fairway woods or hybrids can offer the precision needed to navigate narrow fairways and avoid hazards.
  • Wedges for the Short Game: The course’s undulating greens and strategic bunker placements necessitate a sharp short game. A selection of wedges can help you tackle close-range shots, whether you’re aiming for the green or extricating yourself from a sand trap.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Awareness of common pitfalls can significantly improve your game strategy and overall performance on the course.

  • Underestimating the Course: The scenic beauty of Marshall Canyon can be deceptive, masking the challenges that lie within. Respect the course’s difficulty by planning each shot carefully and considering the terrain’s nuances.
  • Over-Aggression on Narrow Holes: While aggression can be rewarding on more open holes, the narrow fairways of Marshall Canyon require a more measured approach. Avoid the temptation to overpower your shots, focusing instead on accuracy and positioning.
  • Ignoring Elevation Changes: The course’s varied elevation can affect ball flight and distance. Adjust your club selection and swing to account for uphill and downhill shots, ensuring that you’re compensating adequately for the terrain.

7. Discovering the Charm of Marshall Canyon Golf Course

Marshall Canyon Golf Course is not just another golfing destination; it’s a unique blend of affordability, scenic beauty, and challenge that caters to golfers of all skill levels. Situated in the heart of La Verne, California, and against the backdrop of the majestic San Gabriel Mountains, this course offers an experience that is both enriching and accessible. Here’s a deeper look into what makes Marshall Canyon a must-visit for golf enthusiasts.

Affordability: Golf for Everyone

One of the most appealing aspects of Marshall Canyon is its commitment to making golf accessible to a wide audience through reasonable pricing.

  • Reasonable Green Fees: Whether you’re planning to play during the week or on a busy weekend, the green fees at Marshall Canyon are designed to offer great value for the quality of the course and the experience.
  • Discounts for Seniors and Juniors: In an effort to encourage golfers of all ages, Marshall Canyon offers special discounted rates for seniors and juniors, making it an ideal location for family outings or for seniors looking to enjoy a day on the links.

Scenic Beauty: A Visual Feast

The natural landscape surrounding Marshall Canyon Golf Course elevates the golfing experience from a simple game to a serene escape into nature.

  • Picturesque Location: Nestled within the natural contours of La Verne, the course offers stunning views at every turn, from lush fairways to panoramic vistas of the San Gabriel Mountains.
  • Nature-Integrated Design: The course layout thoughtfully incorporates the natural terrain, including local flora and fauna, creating a harmonious balance between the challenge of golf and the tranquility of nature.

Challenge Level: Engaging and Rewarding

Marshall Canyon is renowned for its balanced approach to the game, offering a course that is as rewarding for the novice as it is challenging for the seasoned golfer.

  • Varied Course Layout: With a mix of long par 5s, strategic par 4s, and challenging par 3s, the course tests different aspects of your game, requiring a thoughtful approach to each hole.
  • Natural Obstacles: The natural terrain plays a significant role in the course’s difficulty, with elevation changes, tree-lined fairways, and strategically placed bunkers adding layers of challenge.
  • Playability for All Skill Levels: Despite its challenges, the course is designed to be enjoyable for golfers of all abilities. Beginners can appreciate the forgiving aspects of the layout, while experienced players can test their skills against the course’s intricacies.

8. Booking and Fees

How to Book

You can book a tee time online via the Marshall Canyon Golf Course website or by calling the pro shop. It is recommended to book in advance, especially during weekends and holidays, as the course can get quite busy.


The green fees vary depending on the day and time. Weekdays are generally less expensive than weekends, and there are discounts available for seniors and juniors. Cart rental and club rental fees are also available on the website.


Various discounts are available, including senior, junior, and twilight rates. It’s worth checking the website or calling the pro shop for the latest offers.

9. Conclusion

Marshall Canyon Golf Course is a gem in the La Verne area. With its stunning scenery, challenging layout, and excellent facilities, it’s no wonder that it’s a favorite among locals and visitors alike. I highly recommend giving it a try if you’re in the area. Happy golfing!

10. FAQs

  1. What is the dress code at Marshall Canyon Golf Course?
    The dress code is casual, but appropriate golf attire is required. This includes collared shirts for men and no tank tops for women.
  2. Are golf carts available?
    Yes, golf carts are available for rent. However, walking the course is also a great way to enjoy the scenery.
  3. Can I bring my own clubs?
    Yes, you are encouraged to bring your own clubs. However, if you don’t have your own, rentals are available at the pro shop.
  4. Is there a driving range?
    Yes, there is a driving range at Marshall Canyon. It’s a great place to warm up before your round or to practice your swing.
  5. Are lessons available?
    Yes, lessons are available from the club’s PGA professionals. Whether you’re a beginner looking to learn the basics or an experienced golfer looking to improve your game, the instructors at Marshall Canyon can help.


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Charlie Green

Hello! I'm Charlie Green. Since my early days, golf has been more than just a game to me—it's been a journey. Through every fairway and bunker, I've learned and grown, and this site is where I share those lessons and passions. When I'm not teeing off, I'm discovering new courses or geeking out over the latest golf gadgets. Let's celebrate this incredible sport together!

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